Show Me The Meaning
Menga yolg’izlikni
ma’nosini ko’rsat
So many words for the broken heart
Sindirilgan yurakga shuncha so’zlar
It’s hard to see in a crimson love
Qizil sevgini ichida turib ko’rish juda qiyin
So hard to breathe - Walk with me and maybe
Nafas olish shuncha og’ir men bilan yurish ham balk
iNights of light so soon become - Wild and free
Yorug’larning kechalari yaqinda ozod va yovvoyi bo’ladi
I could feel the sun
Men quyoshni seza olaman
Your every wish will be done
Sening har bir orzuying amalga oshadi
They tell me
Ular menga aytdi:
Show me the meaning of being lonely
Menga yolg’izlikni ma’nosini ko’rsat
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Men birga yurishim kerak bo’lgan narsa shumi
Tell me why I can’t be there where you are
Menga ayt nega men sen bo’lgan yerda bo’la olmayman
There’s something missing in my heart
Meni yuragim bir narsani sog’inayapdi
Life goes on as it never ends
Hayot davom etar va tugamas.s
Eyes of stone observe the trends
-Gunohkor yo’llar tugamas sevgi uchun
They never say forever gaze if only – Guilty roads to an endless love – There’s no control
-Gunohkor yo’llar tugamas sevgi uchun-Bu yerda boshqaruv yo’q
Are you with me now
Sen hozir men bilanmisan
Your every wish will be done – They tell me
Seni har bir orzuying amalga oshadi-ular menga aytdi
There’s nowhere to run
Bu yerda hech qayerga yugurib bo’lmayd
iI have no place to go
Meni boradigan joyim yo’q
Surrender my heart
Meni yuragim taslim bo’ldi
body and soul
Tanam va ruxim
How can it be you’re asking
Bu qanday bo’lishi mumkin
me to feel the things you never show
Sen mendan hech qachon ko’rsatmagan narsangni so’rayapsan
You are missing in my heart
Mening yuragim seni so’ginayapdi
Tell me why can’t I be there where you are
Menga ayt nima uchun men sen bo’lgan yerda bo’lolmayman