My Heart Will Go On
Every night in my dreams
Har kechqurun tushlarimda
I see you, I feel you.
Seni ko’raman seni sezaman
That’s how I know you go on
Sababi men seni qanday davom qilishingni bilaman
for across the distance
Masofa bo’ylab
and spaces between us
Oramizdagi bo’shliq
you have come to show you go on.
Sen kelishing kerak men senga ko’rsataman qanchalik sevishimni
Refrain: Near, far, where ever you are
Yaqin uzoq qayerda bo’lma
I believe that the heart does go on.
Men ishonaman yurak davom etishini
Once, more you open the door
Bir marta sen o’sha eshikni ko’p ochding
And you’re here in my heart
Va sen shu erda meni yuragimda eding
And my heart will go on and on.
Va meni yuragim doimo sevadi sevishni davom ettiradi
Love can touch us one time
Sevgi bizlarni bir safar ushlay oladi
and last for a life time
Va ohirgi nafasimizgacha so’nmaydi
and never let go till we go.
To biz o’lmaguncha ketmaguncha
Love was when I loved you
Sevgi edi men seni sevgan payt
One true time I hold you
Haqiqiy sevgi bilan sevdim seni
in my life it’ll always go on.
Meni hayotimda sevgim doimo davom qiladi
Near, far, where ever you are
Yaqin uzoq qayerda bo’lma
I believe that the heart does go on.
Men ishonaman yurak davom etishini
Once, more you open the door
Bir marta va ko’p marta sen o’sha eshikni ochding
And you’re here in my heart
Va sen shu yerda meni yuragimda eding
And my heart will go on and on.
Va meni yuragim doimo sevadi sevishni davom ettiradi.
You’re here there’s nothing I fear
Sen shu erda bo’lsang hech narsadan qo’rqmayman
And I know that my heart will go on.
Va bilaman yuragim doimo davom qilishini
We’ll stay for ever this way.
Biz doimo o’sha yo’lda qolamiz
You’re safe in my heart
Sen meni yuragimda hatarsizsan
And my heart will go on and on
Va meni yuragim doimo sevadi